tirsdag den 31. januar 2012

One year later.

This entry is a "one year later" entry to show how much I've progressed in one year. Going from not knowing anything about how to use a DSLR camera to where I am today.
I bought the camera on january 31st 2011 so exactly a year ago.

This weekend I have been taking pictures of two of my friends, Mikkel and Abdi, and went out to do some winter shots as well.




søndag den 8. januar 2012

Herning - SPORT 2011 Award Show

This weekend I have been backstage at the SPORT 2011 Award Show in Herning, photographing Team Jiyo preparing for the award show. To see more from Team Jiyo, go to www.teamjiyo.com

I had a great time with the team and got the oppotunity to take some pictures of some danish musicians as well.