onsdag den 25. juli 2012

Behind the Scenes - Team Jiyo

This weekend I have been backstage with Team Jiyo , following the Team before, during and after their show which was a part of the opening show for the 2012 Scout Camp in Holstebro. Here s a few of the photos I shot during the day.

fredag den 6. juli 2012

I am back on track shooting photos!
I haven't had much time to update the blog lately, but am now back on track and will try to update more often.
It seems like I'm going to be doing some travelling from the end of august to the start of october, to Paris, a few countries in Africa and possibly a trip to Edinburgh, so I will have alot of exciting landscape, cityscape, portraits and more.. for all of you to see.

Last night I went out to the lake, to take some photos of the sunset.